Nov 29, 2022
What are the Major Uses of Computers in the Modern Day

Computers are an essential part of our lives today. They allow us to perform lots of tasks, from browsing the web, playing games, watching movies, using social media applications, creating documents, and sending an email. Computer usage varies widely across countries and regions. The way that we define computer usage is changing too. What are the major uses of computers in the present day?

Educational Use

Educational use includes learning through self-study, taking courses at school or college, and studying regularly for exams. It also includes using technology to help children learn. For example, teachers can find educational websites that contain information about teaching methods or topics, such as how best to teach reading skills. Parents can access these sites to see if they might be useful for their child’s education. Teachers can even create their websites to share with other students and parents.

Entertainment Use

This refers to having fun with technology. People often enjoy doing things like gaming, listening to music, surfing the internet, and playing video games. These activities make people feel good when they do them. Some people prefer more active forms of entertainment such as sports, dancing, riding bicycles, hiking, skiing, horseback riding, sailing, or swimming. Others prefer passive forms of entertainment such as watching television, reading books, going out, shopping, gardening, cooking, photography, or spending time with family and friends.

Communication Use

Communication use includes talking by phone, writing letters, chatting online, sending emails, faxing, texting, instant messaging, posting comments on blogs, and making Skype calls. Many people keep up with friends and relatives by communicating regularly through different types of communication. Businesses continue to develop new ways to communicate. Many businesses now offer employees tools so they can send messages back and forth via email.

Professional Use

 Professionals use computers to do work related to their job. Doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, architects, researchers, managers, writers, librarians, scientists, and salespeople all use computers in their jobs. A person who works in one type of office environment may not have much interaction with computers outside of his or her workplace. However, someone working in another type of office environment—such as a manufacturing facility or retail store—may need to interact with computers every day.

Social Media Use

Today, most people get news and information through various kinds of media. Information comes in many formats including text, audio, images, video, and graphics. There are several technologies used to provide this media content. One example is radio broadcasting. Another example is television broadcasting. Still, others include satellite broadcasts, cable television, streaming audio/video, and mobile devices (e.g., tablets, and smartphones). One popular form of media content delivery is social networking. In general, social networking involves connecting over networks. In some instances, it provides a platform for sharing personal stories or opinions. Popular examples of social networking services include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Vine, Google Plus, YouTube, Reddit, Flickr, Foursquare, and Yelp. Most people use social media services daily, and some people become very involved through social support groups.

Research Use

Researchers study data using computers. Data can come from any source, but typically it’s collected from surveys, experiments, medical tests, or other sources. Data collection requires the use of computers because there are so many choices available today that allow people to collect data easily. For example, you can go online to take a survey, participate in an experiment, buy a product, enrol in school, or even request free sample products. Computer technology allows people to save, organize, share, and analyze data to learn more about topics ranging from health and nutrition to politics and economics.

The Bottom Line.

The above list of uses is certainly incomplete. So what? Well if everyone had access to computers in the same way we do today then I think our lives would be a lot easier. It would make life simpler and less stressful. But the truth of the matter is that there are still plenty of people living in developing countries where computer use is limited and expensive. And, of course, there are also areas of the world where access to electricity is lacking.

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Nov 29, 2022
Top Reasons Why Computers Have Become So Popular

Have you ever thought about why computers became such a huge part of our lives? Well, they have become so because of their efficiency. They can perform tasks much faster and easier compared to other tools we had before. And now, these days, even non-techies are starting to adopt them.

Ever since the invention of computers, they’ve improved over time and today, we see amazing examples of their capabilities. Computer systems have become ubiquitous, affecting every aspect of our daily life. From cars to smartphones, from aeroplanes to medical devices, the whole world has adopted them.

But the question remains, what makes computers so powerful? The main reason behind its success lies in the power of computing machines. This article sheds light on the top reasons why computers became so successful.

They’re Easy To Use

The first reason why computers have become popular is that they’re easy to use. When you want to buy something online, for example, it’s very simple to search for it on Google.

It will show all the products which match your query. As soon as you find one that you like, you click on it. Then, the website will load. You select the product and click ‘Add to basket. That’s pretty much how it works.

Nowadays, most people know how to use computers, especially those who have been using them for a long time. However, back then, not everyone was able to use computers. For example, when Steve Jobs came up with the Mac (now known as the iMac), he made sure that anyone could use it without any problems. After all, no matter where you are, you can always access the internet.

They Help Us Save Time

Another important reason why computers became so popular is that they saved us a lot of time. We didn’t need to spend hours and hours doing stuff manually anymore. For example, when buying groceries, you don’t need to go to the supermarket and stand in line to check out. All you do is type in your address into an application and add the items you’d like to purchase to your cart. Once everything’s added, you press ‘Go’ and voila! Your order is ready.

They Make Things Simpler

A third reason why computers became so popular was that they helped simplify many aspects of our lives. If you think about it, we often get stuck with different tasks, such as scheduling meetings, creating documents, and looking through emails… these things were never that simple before computers.

Today, thanks to applications, nothing is stopping you from being productive even when you aren’t in front of your computer. Through various tools, you can easily organize your schedule, create presentations, download music and movies, and edit photos.

They Help Us Communicate More Quickly

A final reason is that they help us communicate faster. Nowadays, we live in a high-tech world where almost anything can be sent over email. The problem is that sometimes we end up sending messages that are too complicated. This usually happens when we want to explain something to someone else but we feel stressed while writing it down.

However, what if I told you that you can write down exactly what you mean to say, and then share it via video call instead? No worries, because today’s smartphones allow users to record videos that are up to 30 seconds long.

The Bottom Line.

Now that we’ve gone through several reasons why people use computers, let’s talk about the future. What will happen if everybody has access to advanced computing devices? Will we eventually become lazy? Well, we guess only time will tell. In any case, we are sure that we all know the answer: computers have made life easier.

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Nov 29, 2022
The History of Computers

Have you ever wondered how the word “computer” got its name? What does it mean to build something called a computer? Why do we call these devices machines instead of living beings? Have you ever thought about why we are interested in building these machines at all? As a result of this interest, technology has had a huge effect on every part of our lives. By learning about the history behind computers, we gain insight into who we are and where we come from.

History of Computers

Throughout most of human existence, writing has been invented–and lost–many times. We now write with pen and paper; a relatively recent invention. Writing began when someone decided to carve symbols into stone, charcoal, clay, bone or antler, etc. Over the centuries, these writings served various purposes. Some were meant to keep records, while others were instructional. Eventually, someone tried to record sound with letters; which required many revisions before becoming what we know today.

Where did the name computer come from?

The word computer is derived from the Greek word for womb: Kubernetes (Κουβερνητάς). The first known use of the word “computer” was by Margaret Hamilton, author of the play of that same title. This was published in 1953. It’s interesting to note that the original definition of a computer was more.

What is a Computer?

A computer is an electronic machine used for processing information. Just like humans have hands, feet, eyes, ears, etc., so too do computers. But rather than being limited to performing only physical tasks, as people are, computers can also think logically and process information. In other words, they can solve problems. They may be programmed to carry out specific tasks, but computers are capable of such things as mathematics, science, language, engineering designs, art, music, business affairs, etc.

The First Electronic Machine

The invention of the first mechanical or electrical digital computer is attributed to Charles Babbage. He was inspired by the analytical engine designed by Napoleon III. This device counted through the binary system using punch cards. To make a calculation, the engineer would put the punch card in the reader. Then the machine could interpret the pattern of holes punched in the card and perform a mathematical operation. Several operations could be performed very quickly because each hole represented one bit of data. At the time, it was quite innovative, even though his design was never built.

First Commercial Successful Computer

In 1945 Konrad Zuse constructed the world’s first fully functional programmable digital computer. The machine helped him develop a large-scale ballistic missile defence system against nuclear attack. Because he wanted to create a safe means of communication, he made the Z1 especially robust against sabotage. Zuse sold several of his units to German universities and businesses to help support himself

The First Mass Production of Computers.

Early computers were mostly experimental. However, during the 1940s, they became less primitive and more reliable. The mass production era started around 1948 when John Womersley secured orders for his tabulator systems. His machines operated on a stored-program concept, whereas other manufacturers were still building their computers manually. Though his company didn’t produce any other products, Womersley paved the way for future producers who brought us computers and mainframe systems.

How Do Computers Work?

Computers are extremely complex — making them difficult to build and maintain. Today, you probably view a computer to be a desktop, laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone, or even a server, PC, Mac, or mobile phone.

The Bottom Line.

Today, computers are essential for almost everything we do. From jobs in manufacturing and finance to school work and entertainment options, computers have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. So, don’t forget about them, they’re here to stay!

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Nov 29, 2022
How the Computer is Useful for Students.

It might seem obvious, but computers are truly essential tools for today’s kids. In short, they help us stay organized and efficient in our day-to-day life. How exactly does a computer benefit students? Let’s take a look at some of the ways a computer can be useful to students.


Computers can be used to organize your daily papers and files. We all know how hard it sometimes can be to find the right file among piles of paper. Computers allow you to store those important documents in a digital format. Also, if you have multiple accounts that need access to several folders or websites, you can create different profiles to keep track of them.

Communication skills

Today‘s students use various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc., so keeping up with trends and creating new ones is very common nowadays. With a PC, you can easily share photos, videos, and other content via email, YouTube or even social media directly from your device. This way, you won’t miss out on any updates.

Researching & note-taking skills

One thing most of us don’t like doing is writing notes by hand. Well, not anymore! Thanks to modern technology, we can simply make handwritten notes using an app on our smartphones. You can also download research apps which will help you write down quotes, ideas, and notes during lectures. Using these apps is easier than studying alone because you get instant alerts when there’s something interesting happening in class.

Time management

Students who rely heavily on their studies often tend to procrastinate and forget things. However, with the help of a computer, you can always set reminders for yourself and never let those deadlines slip away again. It may sound simple, but time management is one skill that’s essential in school and working life.

Socializing & entertainment

What if you could play games while studying? Modern computers come equipped with a wide variety of software and applications that enable you to do just that. From educational titles like Khan Academy to video games such as Minecraft, your device has almost everything you need to relax, learn, work, or entertain yourself. So next time you feel bored, try playing a game instead of watching TV or browsing the internet.

Access to information

If you want to excel in subjects, then you have to study. However, sometimes, you may not have enough time to dedicate to learning, especially since you already have lots of homework and activities. Luckily, with the help of computers, you can search for anything including scientific articles, images, news, movies, music, and more. Thus, you’ll never run out of knowledge.

Enhancing creativity

Creativity is important in every field, whether it’s art, writing, architecture, design, or science. When it comes to education, creative thinking is equally as important as critical thinking. Since technology has become ubiquitous in people’s lives, students are exposed to both online and offline sources of inspiration. Students often use their devices to express themselves through drawing, sketching, painting, photography, music, filmmaking, and 3D printing.

Improving handwriting

Handwriting isn’t dead yet, despite its decline in popularity due to the proliferation of digital tools. Although some kids find it difficult to type fast enough to keep up with teachers, others prefer writing rather than typing because they believe it’s faster and less distracting. With a tablet or laptop, you can take notes, highlight text, and draw diagrams while improving your handwriting at the same time.

Final Thoughts.

It’s no secret that technology plays a major role in our day-to-day lives. Nowadays, students are also expected to be familiar with this tool thanks to the increased availability of tablets and laptops. At first glance, it might seem daunting to know how to use these devices effectively to improve grades, save money, and even increase productivity. Don’t worry though because this article includes numerous tips and tricks on how to start your journey into the world of technology.

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Nov 29, 2022
Different Types of Computers

What computer should I get my child? How much RAM does he/she need? Is Windows 8 safe or not? These questions are very common for parents who want to buy their kid’s computers. If you don’t know anything about computers, then you may be missing out on some essential information. The answer lies in understanding the various types of computers you can purchase. This article will walk you through each type and teach you how they differ from each other.

What is Computer?

A computing device is a machine that performs computation tasks. It is a digital machine that processes data into meaningful results based on instructions set by a human user. A computer can process large amounts of data at high speed, making it indispensable for many tasks such as storing a large amount of data, creating graphics, designing websites etc. The main parts used in a computer include the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, storage devices, display etc. With the help of these components, a computer can store, retrieve, manipulate and analyze data with the use of its programming language. A computer is also capable of performing complex mathematical calculations which cannot be done by humans alone.

Different Types Of Computers


A laptop is a portable computer that has a battery and it runs on batteries. It is powered by internal rechargeable batteries and usually comes with an external power supply as well. They have limited processing capability but also come equipped with memory cards which allow you to save your data to a flash drive. Most laptops nowadays come with USB ports so you can easily connect external devices like keyboards, mice, and printers.

Desktop Computer

An all-in-one desktop computer includes all the features such as CPU, motherboard, hard disk drives, DVD burner, CD-ROM, Ethernet port, monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers (if applicable). All these components are connected using cables and sockets. They have higher processing capabilities than laptops and offer more storage space compared to notebooks. However, this makes them heavier and bulkier.

Mainframe computer.

A mainframe computer consists of multiple processors connected directly to one another via a backplane. Each processor handles a specific task. A typical mainframe would have hundreds of processors and thousands of memory chips.


The term supercomputers were coined when IBM introduced their System 360 family of mainframes in the 1960s. Although there are several definitions relating to what exactly constitutes a supercomputer, most agree that a supercomputer must consist of at least 1,000 processor cores, 10 terabytes of RAM, and a minimum of 2 petabytes of persistent storage (e.g. hard disk drives).

Handheld computer

We define handheld computers as small form factor personal computers that can run applications without being connected to any fixed infrastructure or network. Some examples of handheld computers are PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), Smartphones/cellular phones & tablets.


A minicomputer is a central processing unit built with several microprocessors connected through some kind of bus structure and memory. This allows multiple microprocessors to work together to perform a single function. For example, two or more microprocessors could be used to solve a problem that would take billions of years to calculate on one microprocessor.

The Bottom Line.

There are many different types of computers, but you will only use three of them in your lifetime.

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Nov 29, 2022
Best Features of a Computer.

Are you looking forward to buying a new computer? This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Macintosh launch, marking the beginning of Apple’s dominance over personal computers. In honour of such a milestone, let’s take a look at some of the best features of a computer you should know.

Power and Performance

A computer is nothing without powerful hardware which will make it able to run any software application that comes into existence. If your purchase includes a Mac OS X operating system then it has already been preloaded with many applications. But this doesn’t mean that everything can be done on this machine – you need more RAM (Random Access Memory) for example. You also need a fast processor – one that is optimized for running the programs made by Apple itself and third-party developers.


Computers are versatile as they can fulfil almost any role a person may require from them. Most people own at least two different types of laptops depending on their usage. You might want something lightweight and compact while on vacation and then carry around a heavier model if you plan to work through the night or attend meetings.


Computers are reliable machines that keep running without failure. They are generally built with more robust components than other devices so they tend to operate smoothly over time. This means that they can handle heavy workloads without breaking down.


Computer memory has been getting bigger and bigger over the years. Newer models come with huge amounts of storage space which allows you to store hundreds of files on a single device. RAM (Random Access Memory) is another important aspect of a laptop’s hardware configuration. It helps to manage data and information within the system quickly. If there is not enough RAM available, programs will slow down and eventually crash.

Processor Speed.

Computers have faster processors which help them complete complex tasks faster than desktops. However, you should always test before buying an expensive new item. With higher processor speeds, faster laptops become even more capable. Many new laptops have dual-core chips, quad-core CPUs and even eight cores. Some laptops have dedicated graphic processing units (GPUs), allowing them to use high-performance graphics cards.

Hard Drive Space

The amount of free space on your hard drive is directly related to the size of software applications that you install. Before purchasing any additional software, make sure there is room on your hard drive.

Optical Drives

Optical drives can read CDs and DVDs, allowing you to store large amounts of music or video on your computer. Many optical drives come built-in with your computer, while others can be added separately. You’ll want to factor this cost into your budget before making a purchase.

Video Card

Video cards allow your computer to display graphics and images. They contain several processing chips, including a GPU, which helps enhance colour quality when playing movies and games. You may not need the most expensive video card right away, but do shop for something that will last you several years.

DVD/CD Burner

Burning discs is an essential feature of many computers. Your CD burner enables you to write data onto blank discs, so they can be used later on your computer. Even if you don’t burn anything, your computer must have a disc burner to access media stored on these discs.


You probably prefer using the keyboard to navigate your mouse, so why not add it to your computer? Keyboards usually come preinstalled on laptops and desktops, but, but you can always buy them separately for $50-200 dollars. If you already have a laptop or desktop, look at the specifications to determine whether its keyboard has all the features you require.

The Bottom Line.

It’s time to get back to work! There’s no denying the fact that technology plays a major role in our lives, and we love having the latest and greatest devices. However, as great as new gadgets can be, they’re not without their faults. We put together this list to help you determine whether buying a new PC is worth the investment.

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